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Example Program

Example Program Components Continued
Examples of programs At this time we will learn the advanced components in Visual Basic 6.0. We will discuss Check, Option, Frame, InputBox, MsgBox, Do Loop, and Use of Control If End If.
In the program under a user is welcome to fill in her name, gender was male or female, then select the desired room type, then choose any desired amenities.
Each room has a different price. For the choice of room types to use the Option, here users can choose only one course. As for the facilities can use the Check, in which the user can not choose and are free to choose which ones.

Sample Form and Listingnya

We assume that room rates are as follows:

Room Types                  Price 

Standard                        150000 
Suite                               250000 
Silver                              450000

Type of Facility               Price 

Sauna                               50000
Fitness                              75000 
Massage                           150000

Then show the total price is paid. And asked for input using the InputBox payment. Validasilah sufficient payment for the total payment if there is a money-back show the amount of change.And thank you. After that resetlah return the form to its original state before it is filled.
Listingnya form are as follows:

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